The Listener Object
A Listener is a profile record in Audata for a listener of the station they belong to. Usually these records are created when a listener wins a prize from a station or enters a competition, however they can also be manually created in the app or via the API.
Value | Type | Description |
id | integer | The primary key for the record |
first_name | string | The listeners first name |
last_name | string | The listeners last name |
string | The listeners email address | |
dob | string | Listeners date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format |
gender | string or null | Male, Female, NB (Non-binary) or may be null |
address1 | string | First line of listeners primary address |
address2 | string | The second line of the listeners primary address |
suburb | string | The listeners suburb or city name |
postcode | string | The listeners post code / zip code |
state | string or null | The listeners state |
country | string | The country of the listeners primary address as a 2-letter ISO code |
created_at | string | The time the record was created as an ISO 8601 string |
updated_at | string | The last time the record was modified as an ISO 8601 string |
uuid | string | A unique UUID string for the record |
phone_number | string | The listeners phone number |
custom_data | dictionary | A JSON dictionary of attributes stored against custom data fields |
total_prize_value | decimal | Total value (local currency) of all prizes won by this listener |
total_prize_count | integer | Total number of prizes won by this listener |
Developers may assume that you need to create a Listener record before creating a Prize, but that's not the case. You can, if you want to, but you can also create the Prize record and provide the redemption URL to the listener yourself, or let Audata send them a notification automatically to collect their details.