The Liner Object
In Broadcast Radio, a Liner is a written script delivered live by a presenter, often in breaks / links between songs (as opposed to Live Reads which are usually delivered in commercial airtime). Audata Promo allows Liner creation, management, scheduling, and reporting, and makes Liner scripts easily available to presenters in the Studio interface.
Value | Type | Description |
id | integer | The ID for the record |
name | string | The name or title of the Liner |
content | text | The content of the Liner script (may be plain text, or contain HTML / Markdown for formatting) |
client_id | integer | If set, the ID of the Client the Liner is associated with |
campaign_id | integer | If set, the ID of Campaign the Liner is associated with |
status | string | A string representing the approval status of the Liner, such as "Draft" or "Approved" |
created_at | string | The time the record was created as a ISO 8601 string |
updated_at | string | The last time the record was last updated as a ISO 8601 string |
archived_at | string | If the record has been archived, the time the record was archived as a ISO 8601 string |
uuid | string | The UUID of the record |