Inventory Items

The Inventory Item Object

An Inventory Item is a prize you have available to award (excluding cash prizes, which do not require an inventory item to be created). Examples of inventory items in a radio station database might include concert tickets or gift cards.

idintegerThe primary key for the record
descriptionstringDescription of the inventory item
qty_availableintegerThe original quantity of the item available to award
qty_on_handintegerThe original quantity of the item physically on hand, or otherwise ready to collect or dispatch.
current_qty_availableintegerThe current quantity of the item available to award. This can't be set and is automatically calculated from the original quantity, less any prizes awarded.
current_qty_on_handintegerThe current quantity of the item physically on hand. This can't be set and is automatically calculated from the original quantity, less any prizes awarded.
campaign_idintegerThe ID of the Campaign this inventory item may be attached to.
vpufloatValue per unit - the approximate value (in local currency) of one unit of this inventory item.
skustringSKU (stock-keeping unit), a unique code to represent this inventory item. This is typically used as an external identifier when connecting Audata with other systems.
ad_hoc_enabledbooleannWhether or not "ad hoc" awarding of this item is enabled (see below).
created_atstringThe time the record was created as a ISO 8601 string
updated_atstringThe last time the record was modified as a ISO 8601 string
uuidstringThe UUID of the record

Ad Hoc Inventory Items

The ad_hoc_enabled parameter tells Audata whether to allow this inventory item to be awarded for "ad hoc" prizes. When disabled, the item can only be awarded from a scheduled contest at a certain time (excluding API prizes which do not have these restrictions). When ad hoc is enabled, shows using the Audata app in the studio are able to find and award the item whenever they like.